
ParaNorman is a 2012 American 3D stop-motion animated comedy horror film. It is the first stop-motion film to use a 3D color printer to create character faces and only the second to be shot in 3D. Actually, I think that this film is talk about the zombie do evil to the town and town peoples and Norman kill the zombie save the town then become hero. But the truth is the zombie not hurt the town people and hit by the town people instead. I feel so funny when I watch this part. This film is hybrid genres which included action, comedy, horror, teen and fantasy.

Genre is a form that people use to categorize type of a film. According to Rick Altman, we can categorize the genre of film based on semantic and syntactic approach. In the simple words, based on the mise-en-scene (lighting, setting, actor’s behavior etc.) and the narrative style of a film, we can identify the genre of that film. Having recently completed a longterm project entitled A Theory of Narrative, published by Columbia UP in 2008, Altman is currently working on a book that will trace the development of standardized sound practices during Hollywood's studio years. He continues to perform his Living Nickelodeon program in venues around the world (in 2009-10 at the Eastman School, Notre Dame, the Buffalo International Film Festival, a German tour, and NYU).

First of all, horror is one of the main genre of ParaNorman. We can identify the horror genres in this film through miss-en-scene such as lighting and sound effect. The horror film usually use the dark light and some sound effects to create the anxious environment and make the panic emotion. The audience will interested with this film if they feel panic, they want keep looking this film and curious about the ending of the film. There are three categories in horror film: unnatural, psychological and massacre. ParaNorman is an unnatural horror film. For the example, Norman can see the ghost and communicate with them. Besides that, the witch in the town wakes up and makes the dead people change to the zombie. There are unnatural phenomena. 

Secondly, comedy is the main genre of this film. The purpose of comedy genre is make the audience laugh and relax with funny actions, characters, situations or behavior. There have also different types of comedy include slapstick, screwball, parody and dark comedy. The part impressed me the most is when Norman tried to get the book from the dead body of Mr Prenderghast in the room. Norman exerted all his strength to pull the book from the body until the dead body hit the furniture. Finally he got the book but he was pinned under the dead body in next second and the tongue of the dead body came out and stick on his face. This series of action between Norman with the dead body of Mr Prenderghast actually make all of us laugh. For another part, the parents of Norman speak with him, their round stomach surround Norman. I feel funny when I see this part.

Thirdly, action is one of the genres of this film. The action is the biggest point in the film. The brilliantly action can make some amazing visual to the audience. There are many action scenes in the film where it shows through fight scene, car chasing scene and also fast pace edit throughout the film. Fighting scene appear during the reborn of zombies when they are chasing Norman and his friend. The other action scene is between Neil and the witch, Aggie. For example, Norman is jumping to reach the witch, Aggie. Besides, Aggie also attack Norman in order to stop his closer step towards her as Norman try to tell Aggie about the truth.

Aside from that, ParaNorman is a case of teens film as it demonstrates the way of life of an adolescent. It includes the battles or issue that a young person may look in their life. For instance, nearly the entire school (aside from Neil) avoid Norman as a result of his unnormal. Furthermore, how the adolescent carries on, think, talk amid the time of insubordinate. It utilizes the perspective of a young person on survey thing. For instance, the entire town individuals surrender Norman yet Norman simply acknowledge what the circumstance is without against back to nature. It speaks to the shortcoming or weak of an adolescent on confronting challenges
In the town of Blithe Hollow, Norman Babcock is a boy who can speak to the dead, but no one besides his eccentric new friend, Neil, believes his ability is real. One day, Norman's estranged eccentric uncle tells him of an important annual ritual he must take up to protect the town from a curse cast by a witch it condemned centuries ago. Eventually, Norman decides to cooperate, but things don't go according to plan. Now, a magic storm of the witch threatens Blithe Hollow as the accursed dead rise. Together with unexpected new companions, Norman struggles to save his town, only to discover the horrific truth of the curse. With that insight, Norman must resolve the crisis for good as only he can.

As a conclusion, I think that this film so warm. This is because the zombie are so cutes. They do some stupid thing before but they know their fault. I think it is a good point. We need try to accept the people and not scare the people when we realise some peoples different with us.


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