Seoul Station Movie Review

    At 17th January 2018, our lecturer shows us a film which called 'Seoul Station'. I think that this film is talk about the team spirit among the community when I see this film, but I think wrong already. However, this film also got some parts that I like.

    At the first if this film, Hye sun’s boyfriend who called Ki woong upload her photo onto the internet and called her to prostitute. This is because he doesn’t have money already. I think that this boy was not responsible and hypocrisy because he can push his girlfriend to prostitute for money but he don’t want working by himself. However, I realise that he really love Hye sun in the process that he find her because he feel nervous about her situation. In the finally, he still want to protect his girlfriend although he already killed by the bad man. This part reflecst the warm and love between the Hye sun and Ki woong. I feel very touched in the last.

    Besides that, there was an uncle in this film. He doesn’t know Hye sun but he also allowed her to follow him. He escapes with Hye sun and they didn’t leave each other in a pinch. They maintained their trust in each other and even they are crying and saying they wanted to go home. I believe that they have become friends at that time. They finally run into the safe placed. At the last, Hye sun was crying when the uncle want to escape from the infected area but killed by soldier. Another part that I like in this film is there are some strong men to protect the entrance to prevent the zombies go into the place. Those strong men also infected by the zombies at the last scene. This scene is also reminding me that some people can contribute to people they don’t know, but some people can also betray the people around them for their own benefit.

    There are always two sides for everything. I didn’t like this film because that are some part shows the dark side of the world and human.

    At the first of this film, the homeless was injured and infected, his friend require for help from doctor, passerby and guard but unsuccessful. The reason that he failed to require help because he doesn’t has money and position. The situation that happened after that can be prevent if doctors or anyone that willing hear his requirement. This part also shows the vanity of people in this world. They didn’t want to help the people that cannot bring any benefit to them one.

    Next, a female character prostitute for her life. I feel so sad because this part also shows the dark side of the world. Firstly, this situation reflects the cruelty of this world. Nowadays, it’s not easy to find a job. Many people are forced to make choices that they don’t want to make in order to survive. Secondly, this situation also reflects the reality of the world. Everything in this world is measured by the money, so there are a lot of girls to sell their body for money in exchange for their position and respect. This is because the money will be respected in this world, no matter what’s your occupation.

    Next, human is a monster compare to the zombies. Human beings have thoughts, feelings, consciences, why are they cool-blooded than zombies? In this film, I can see many people to live by any means or even attack people. They just think of themselves and completely ignore those in need. For the example, they can kill anyone they think is a zombie and never thought they’d able to fight zombies together. Suspicion is already human nature. They will be safe if they fight zombies together.

    Besides that, why I say that people are selfishness. There is a part show that the soldiers would rather kill the uninfected than save them. Instead, zombies don’t have thought and feelings, but they are more conscience compare to the human. They will blindly attack human but they would not attack their own companions.

    Money is the root of all evil. Human can do everything for money. In this film, there is a man pretending to be the Hye-sun’s father, but actually he is a man who forced Hye sun into the prostitution. He’s going to catch Hye sun for continue to make money for him although there are many zombies around that area. I very touched at the first because I think that the love of father for his daughter very big because he was desperate to find his daughter. Accidentally, he is not her father. I feel speechless because there are people who are desperate to break into a zombie’s colony for money. He finally killed the Hye sun’s boyfriend and tried to rape Hye sun. He is a character that I very hate one.

    I thought Hye sun couls escape in finally but eventually she got infected. In fact, the ending of this film is very sad. Why all the people hurt each other? This is because they want to alive but the end was all destruction.

    I wonder if this film is satirizing the society, there are the things you desperately want to do but not necessarily successful. 


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